Erdal Zafer Bozkurt

Erdal Zafer Bozkurt

E.Zafer Bozkurt has been in accounting and outsourcing area for 20 years professionally. E.Zafer Bozkurt has started his career as an assistant at Arthur Andersen Turkey. After completion of military service moved to Deloitte Touche Turkey and worked as senior accountant. He has served many multinational companies in different sectors.

E.Zafer Bozkurt has significant experience about Turkish GAAP, payroll, management reporting and commercial law. He has also specialized in project financial management.

Graduated from University Of Marmara, Department of Business Administration, E.Zafer Bozkurt has holding the certificate of public accountant and certificate of  auditor from Public Oversight Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority (KGK). E.Zafer Bozkurt can speak English fluently.

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